Monday, September 29, 2008

We pee scarlet and gray!

Check out the Jbros playing a tailgate at The Little Bar. Actually, I love some of the photos with North Campus as the backdrop--the wires, the street signs, the brick apartment building. This would be a great place to shoot (sans corn hole, of course).

Lots of pics . . . check out the photo set here.

{brought to you by pretty things hurt}

Friday, September 19, 2008

Another SCARY f*ucked up Bush policy

Check out this op-ed by Hillary posted in the NYT today about a proposed Bush policy that would allow any healthcare provider (assistant, nurse, doctor, etc.) that receives federal funding to refuse to give any kind of care they don't agree with. This goes way beyond the current policy that says a doctor can refuse to give an abortion if they don't want to. Anyone could withold services for any reason (if they just object for any reason). This is SCARY!!!! The language is so vague. When will this crap of implementing policies driven by ideology of the narrow right end????? I don't know how much more of this I can take.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Big Ass Table

We just got one of these at my work. Super sweet. And then I saw this video. Freaking hysterical.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Ohbama Shirts

Hey crew, Lisa and I designed a shirt for the election this year. Check us out!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Good Times.

Thanks to all for a fabulous birthday celebration last night. We missed you folks in Atlanta and Chicago.

My favorite memory of the night are the prom pic re-enactments.

Click HERE for more evidence of the good times had.

Friday, September 12, 2008

My Nephews

Those frog rain boots have been passed around in my family for years.

Ethan and I

Ethan is mischievous, a bit grumpy, and stubborn. I love it. My family likes to say he's a lot like me when I was a kid, but that can't be right.



Garrett is Chad's (secret) favorite. This picture explains one of the reasons why.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


(my posts wont always be this
Esequiel and I leave for Texas in 9 days to pick up my second son, Eddie. The two boys were foster brothers in the same home for 3 years and after much soul searching, I just cant find a reason not to do this. I just can't. When you adopt a child they ask you to make whats called a "life book" for the child that you send to him/her before they meet you. Its basically a scrap book that you make filed with photos of their new family, siblings, pets, their new school, their room..ect..It gives the kids something tangible to look at when they try to wrap their minds around what awaits them. I made one for Esequiel before i met him and he still treasures it.
We started Eddies book, and the gravity of what I am doing hit me. Esequiel was SO excited to help me with the project. Interestingly, though, once we started he was filled with anxiety. We finsihed the first page and I had written a little note for Eddie welcoming him to our family. Esequiel started to cry and said that he couldnt wait for him to get here..whew...The day i took Esequiel out of Texas his heart was broken that Eddie couldnt come to. He thought he'd never see him again, and knowing that Eddie is now going to be his leagl brother forever has brought up so many emotions for the little guy that he just doesnt know what to do with them all, and neither do I.
Having two boys is what Ive always wanted and I am so happy that I am doing this , I just never realized how huge this is for Esequiel and what it means to him. I tucked him tonight, and as I sat there stroking his hair I told him how there will come a day when he wont want me in his room, much less tucking him in..and I love him so much that it hurts..I never really knew what that felt like before all this..I thought I did, but I didn't. I wish that I could just freeze time and let him stay 11 for a few more years and that he'd always want me to read him Harry Potter as he falls asleep...but he won't always need that from me.I hate the fact that I don't always know what to do or what to say. All my friends tell me that I'm doing a great job, and I am gratefull for that, but it is so hard with virtually no family support, but I am doing the best that I can. It's funny...people tell me all the time how lucky these two boys are and go on and on about what a admirable person I must be. I think thats funny because if there is anyone who is lucky it's have Esequiel in my life and all that I he gives me everyday just by being his perfectly flawed self. It takes my breath away.he makes me laugh so hard I wanna cry and loves me so much that I often do...I know our lives will never be perfect but having Scott as my partner and Esequiel and Eddie as my sons...well; it's the closest that I could ever hope to get.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Friday, September 5, 2008

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What the blog?!

Originally uploaded by Circeson
Hey kids... I was wondering if'n anyone out there would want to share with us their favorite blogs/ daily readings? What sites to you check on a regular basis, especially when you ain't got nothing to do or you're avoiding what you should be doing:

Mine are:
and Towleroad

New Member

Hi gang! Well it looks as though I have been added to this blog that I have heard so much about :) Very very cool . I love what you guys have contributed and I hope to be able to offer some head scratching material soon.
Till then, I have some children I have to remove today..ugh ( Iwork in child welfare)