Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Some volleyball fun (and drama)

For those who don't know, I'm in a bit of a transition right now in terms of moving out of my old apartment and into my new room in a communal house near the east village in nyc on May 1. Going through some big changes and have been spending this time in transition in columbus and atlanta.

I'm currently in Atlanta and had the privilege of seeing Griff and Chad play with their volleyball team last night. Fun times, and very impressed by Chad's blocking and hitting skills and Griff's quick reflexes and killer serve. I loved seeing their positive energy on the court and their encouragement and patience with other players. I was even more impressed at how great Chad looked after playing 4 sweaty games (see pic. below). Notice the contrast in sweat production between chad and his teammate to the left. Amazing. I wonder if there is a similar contrast in "stink" production, and if so, who would be stinkier? ;-)

With that said, things got *cute* with a bit of volleyball drama when griff disagreed with some of the decisions made by the team captain, Larry, and in spectacular "griff style," decided to lead the team in a revolt against Larry. A few angry words were exchanged, proclomations of "I quit" and "he better stop" were exclaimed. But the team worked out their problems for now, and I'm sure will be back for more fun next week. At the end of the night, Larry walked over to griff and chad to apologize and, I think the facial expressions of griff and chad below says it all. Ahhh, Larry, not sure if there is any hope for you.

1 comment:

SLD said...

Oh, Silly Di. Joyce asks, "Do you really have to wonder who is more stinky?" We could have determined that BEFORE the match started.

And Joyce misses that attitude that Griff brings to the court. Our current team name is Team Drama Free Columbus, and it's a perfect reflection of our style. In the end, I prefer it, but every once in a while it would be nice to have someone throw a fit.

Speaking of Team DFC, we took first in the regular season with a 27-3 record. As Jack would say, "Nothing to blow a booger on." The tournament starts on Saturday, and I feel like we're going all the way.