Thursday, July 24, 2008

DJ School

So 'Fresh at Liquid' is becoming a little bit of a DJ school.

Last night we had DJ Curious spinning hot tunes by the likes of Ben Harper, Nina Simone, The Brazilian Girls, etc.

Check her out:

Next week it's another mystery DJ, followed by this winner on August 6th.

Don't miss's sure to be SIZZLIN'
PS I am going to start calling myself DJ Teach!


G said...

FUN! Posts like this make ATL boys sad.

G said...

Aaron & Lisa are really rocking it out.

pixelville said...

Those ATL boys need to come up with some DJ names and get themselves to Cbus on a Wendesday so the sad CMH girls can get happy when we see you.

DJ Rusty anyone?
DJ Lance?

Chad Schone said...

My DJ name is DJ Squishy Poo

Chad Schone said...

And Griff's is DJ BubbleBuns