Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Across the Universe

I love this version of Let It Be, but I wish the woman singing would have put a little more into it. She didn't seem like she was really into it, yeah?

No, for real though. Dang! Sister can sing. The kid in the beginning can belt it out too. Wow.


G said...

The music from "Across the Universe" was good, but the movie itself not so much. Rent it and listen to the music in the background while you do something else.

SLD said...

I haven't seen the movie yet. I've heard mixed reviews. The soundtrack is great . . . I've had it for a couple months.

I loved that whole segment about the Beatles. "Love" is another great soundtrack.

pixelville said...

"Once" is a really super amazing music movie. all you boys need to watch it.

don't have the soundtrack yet, but i heard it is amazing.