Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snow Miser

Borrowed this from Deweydew's blog. Seemed very appropriate for the day. I have been sitting around all morning saying, "vuh. vuh. vuh. vuh. vuh. vuh." too! Listen and you'll remember what I am talking about.

PS Jack was the best heat miser I've ever seen in my life.


Chad Schone said...

Although not very strong right now, we gots some heat miser boogieing down here... but oddly enough I always liked Snow Miser better from the animated special. He had such sad eyes.

SLD said...

I'm getting a message that says it's no longer available. AHHHH. . . I want to see the Snow Miser.

pixelville said...

try again joyce. i totally just watched it.


i wish i could play the tuba.