Thursday, June 19, 2008

Day 1: Bigger is better

This year, the theme at Campit is . . ."BIG."

Ok, perhaps that's not true of everything. With every camping trip I take, I buy some new gadget or some piece of gear I didn't have. This year, I invested in a new tent, and it's BIG BIG BIG. It feels as big as my bedroom. The most exciting thing about my tent is that I can stand up to get dressed (I hate having to squeeze into my tight Wranglers lying on my air mattress).

I'm not the only one who went big this year. Campit expanded their pool deck considerably before opening for the season. The crowds aren't here now to make it seem necessary, but I imagine it's quite popular on the busy weekends.

I arrived Monday to clear sunny skies. The same held true for Tuesday. It's topping out at about 70 degrees during the day, and the evenings a bit on the cool side.

I expected to be one of the few people around today, but I looks like there are two big groups camping this week. One appears to be finishing a long weekend, and one has just arrived. I'm sure I'll have stories.


Chad Schone said...

Sounds like a good time, Dr. D. Fumbling through all your euphemisms, I infer as much ;-) Keep us up to the date!

G said...

Good times! CampIt keeps growing and growing, just like the boys in the playground.